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Cargo theft per-incident average jumps in first quarter, number of thefts falls slightly

In the first three months of the year, 206 cargo thefts were reported in the U.S. with an average value per load of $207,982, according to FreightWatch International’s quarterly theft report.

That number is a 4.9 percent decline from the same quarter of last year, but thefts are still being reported for the quarter, FreightWatch says, and the number could grow.

Given the drop in instances, the average value per stolen load shot up nearly 40 percent, which FreightWatch says is an indication of “continued persistence and increasing sophistication of organized cargo criminals.”

Loads of food and drink (excluding alcohol) again were the most common type of load stolen, accounting for 21 percent (44 loads) of the thefts.

Home and garden loads surged to second most in the quarter with 15 percent (31 thefts), and loads of electronics accounted for 13 percent (27 thefts).

Targeted loads in the food and drink category included candy, produce, flavored waters and soda, FreightWatch says, while home and garden loads included appliances, furniture and home decor. Stolen loads of electronics were mostly TVs and computer components, FreightWatch report says.

Loads of metal made up 13 percent, too, and clothing/shoes loads made up 10 percent, building/industrial loads 9 percent and auto/parts loads 7 percent. Alcohol and tobacco loads made up 4 percent, while pharmaceuticals made up 2 percent.