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Commentary: Keeping your people safe from COVID

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When I first sat down to write this blog, I had planned to write about keeping drivers safe from lifting and slip/trip/fall injuries. (I still plan to do that in a subsequent blog post). Then the nation was hit with COVID-19 and everything changed. While most businesses worry about employee safety, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated our taking additional measures to prevent the spread of the virus and keep employees healthy and safe.

The first step in any safety program is communication. Employees must be informed of any safety programs and given appropriate materials that explain procedures. It is also a good idea to send frequent reminders especially when initiating new procedures, but even to reinforce old ones.

While it seems basic, if you have not done so already, develop a handout that explains the right way to wash hands. When it comes to COVID-19, there are specific recommended procedures for washing hands that include scrubbing for at least 20 seconds. While soap and water are the best way to prevent the virus from spreading, in some situations your employees don’t have access to soap and water. In those cases, make hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol available to them. However, make them aware that hand sanitizers are not as effective when hands are visibly dirty or greasy.

Social distancing can be challenging at a fleet location. At Transervice, in locations that are large enough, or have enough people passing through, we have placed X’s on the ground to designate 6-feet of distance. We also have limited occupancy in all break rooms. At some locations, again depending on size, drivers have been instructed to call dispatch to find out how many people are in the break room before they head over there. As we have all seen, it is not uncommon for drivers to hang around the shop or the Shop Foreman’s office. Drivers are now discouraged from visiting the shop beyond making a write-up for a necessary repair.

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