Net gain: Shipment facts are no longer transmitted via fax

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Updated Feb 9, 2024

Overnite Transportation Co., whose annual revenues exceed $1 billion, has over 4,800 vehicles and more than 12,600 employees-including some 9,000 drivers and dockworkers-working out of 167 terminals.

Despite its large size and sophisticated IT capability, however, the less-than-truckload carrier had some problems with the transmission of shipment information to customers, until recently.

Overnite used to fax client-specific pages of shipment information-accessed from a database of all of the carrier’s orders-to 8,000 of its customers. Providing all that material added up to faxing more than 180,000 pages of data each month, at a cost of $50,000.

In addition to being a cumbersome and expensive distribution process, Overnite discovered that not all of the customers receiving the faxes were taking advantage of the information provided because their staffs had to spend a lot of time manually searching through the paperwork for data on specific shipments.

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