Highway Watch is partnering with Truckflix.com, a Granby, Mo.-based trucking employment website.
Truckflix.com will help the American Trucking Associations’ Highway Watch program enlist truck drivers by featuring training and recruitment information on its website and encouraging drivers to participate.
Highway Watch is a national safety and security program that utilizes the skills and experience of America’s transportation workers to help prevent terrorists from using large vehicles or hazardous cargo as weapons, and to help protect America’s highway transportation infrastructure. The program is administered by ATA under an agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Truckflix.com will feature Highway Watch on the front page of its website and provide access to the Highway Watch website.
In March 2004, ATA entered into a $19.3 million cooperative agreement with DHS to expand its Highway Watch. Fueled by that agreement and an additional $21 million earmarked for 2005, Highway Watch also will administer a national Highway Watch Call Center, as well as the Highway Information Sharing and Analysis Center.
For more information about Highway Watch, call 866-821-3444 or go to www.highwaywatch.com.
The Highway Watch promotional video also can be seen by going to www.truckflix.com.