Commercial Carrier Journal received three editorial honors in the Midwest-South Region competition of the American Society of Business Publication Editors’ Awards of Excellence. The magazine was judged against other trade magazines with circulations of greater than 80,000 and covered issues published in 2004. CCJ‘s awards were:
Gold in the Publication Redesign category. Art Director Tony Breland led CCJ‘s redesign, which took effect with the January 2004 issue.
Gold in the Feature Series category. Paul Richards wrote the three articles on failure analysis that took top honors.
Silver in the News Analysis category. CCJ was recognized for its coverage of the implementation of the hours-of-service rules and of the subsequent court ruling that overturned the rules. Writers were Avery Vise, Sean Kelley, Aaron Huff, John Baxter and John Latta
CCJ sister magazine Truckers News received four editorial honors in the ASBPE competiton, including a national Bronze award in the How-to Article category for “Blood Work for Your Engine.” The story was written by John Baxter, designed by Richard Street and edited by Randy Grider, John Latta and Kristin Walters.
Truckers News also won three awards in the Midwest-South region:
Silver for “The Big Footprint” in the Technical Article category. It was written by Baxter, designed by Street and edited by Grider, Latta and Walters.
Silver for “The Highway Way of Life” in the Original Research category. It was written by Latta, designed by Street and edited by Grider and Walters.
Bronze for “The High Price of Idling” in the Feature Article category.
Overdrive, another sister magazine, also won some awards.