The Arkansas Trucking Association will launch a media campaign against a highway bond program that will go before the state’s voters Dec. 13. The trucking organization plans to call its campaign committee “Citizens Against Number One,” referring to the highway bond question.
The trucking organization’s leadership already has stated its opposition to the road-bond plan, which is backed by Gov. Mike Huckabee. The proposal would allow the state highway commission to issue up to $575 million in bonds for repairs of interstate highways. The commission would be able to issue new bonds when some of the old ones were paid off.
Trucking association president Lane Kidd said the program was irresponsible and that it would give five unelected highway commissioners a revolving credit card and a $575 million credit line to use at their will. However, Alice Stewart, the governor’s spokeswoman, said the program would give the highway commission the same amount of power it’s always had.