Connecticut asks for rerouting of twin trailers during winter storms

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The Motor Transport Association of Connecticut has been contacted by the state Department of Transportation to request the voluntary rerouting of twin-trailer combinations during winter storms.

According to CONNDOT, certain sections of Interstate 84 have experienced higher-than-average problems with twins in snowy or icy conditions. The main problem areas in the state are hilly sections between Danbury and Waterbury, and a stretch running east of Vernon to the Massachusetts state line. Some twins have had problems making the hills and have required assistance, which CONNDOT says has made snow-clearing operations more difficult.

While the state says it can issue emergency regulations prohibiting the operation of certain vehicles during winter storms, it says the preference is for voluntary compliance with a policy not to operate these vehicles in bad weather. The DOT operations center is open 24 hours a day and can advise motor carriers about operating during storms. Motor carriers, especially those operating twin trailers, are requested to call the operations center at 860-594-3447 to obtain information on current conditions and recommendations.

If voluntary compliance isn’t achieved to a satisfactory level, CONNDOT says it will consider emergency storm truck traffic prohibitions. For more information, call Mike Riley, president, at 860-520-4455.