FHWA to award truck parking grants soon

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) plans soon to solicit grant proposals to expand access to truck parking throughout the National Highway System. The agency outlined the guidelines for proposals in an emergency request submitted to the White House of Management and Budget for authority to request proposals and other information needed to prioritize projects for grant funding.

The grant program was authorized by last year’s highway act, known as the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient and Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, or SAFETEA-LU. Under the legislation, eligible projects include:

  • Using technology to disseminate information on the availability of truck parking;
  • Opening “non-traditional” facilities, such as inspection and weigh stations and park-and-ride facilities, to truck parking;
  • Upgrading truck parking facilities that currently are open on only a seasonal basis so they can be used year round;
  • Building turnouts along highways or improving the “geometric design” of interchanges to facilitate parking;
  • Building additional truck parking next to truck stops and travel plazas; and
  • Building safety rest areas that include truck parking.
  • The program will run from fiscal 2006, which is the current fiscal year, through fiscal 2009. Funding levels may vary from year to year, but FHWA says $5.384 million is available for fiscal 2006.

    For more information, visit http://dms.dot.gov/search and search Docket No. 25067.