Truckers and their families can celebrate everything to do with trucking at the 27th annual Walcott Truckers Jamboree, set for Thursday and Friday, July 13 and 14, at the Iowa 80 Truckstop in Walcott, Iowa.
The event will feature more than 200 exhibits, an antique truck display, carnival games, live bands and fireworks. In addition, truckers can compete in a Super Truck Beauty Contest, the Iowa Pork Chop Cookout, the Trucker Olympics and the Trucker’s Best Friend Pet Contest. Attendees also can take rides in authentic Wells Fargo stagecoaches and witness the ribbon cutting for the truck stop’s new Super Truck Showroom.
Begun in 1979, the first Jamboree featured a few exhibits and attracted only a few hundred drivers; today, the event brings in more than 30,000 people. Admission and parking are free, and shuttles will be provided from the parking area. For more information and a schedule of events, go to