Con-way Freight, a subsidiary of Con-way, has announced that it has joined the SmartWay Transport Partnership, a voluntary collaboration between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the freight industry designed to increase energy efficiency while significantly reducing greenhouse gases and air pollution.
Launched in February 2004, the SmartWay Transport Partnership has nearly 150 partners and aims to achieve fuel savings of up to 150 million barrels of fuel per year. EPA officials, after assessing Con-way’s existing operating procedures, estimated that the company already ranks in the top two percent of “green” fleets in the nation.
The Con-way fleet drives more than 500 million miles a year and consumes more than 90 million gallons of diesel fuel. The company’s efforts will contribute to the partnership’s goal of reducing 33 to 66 million metric tons of carbon dioxide and up to 200,000 tons of nitrogen oxide per year by 2012.
Currently, Con-way says it uses synthetic lubricants, clutch-type fans and external aerodynamics that help increase engine efficiency and lower emissions; it also has a strict idling policy in place, with an automatic shutoff after five minutes. In the future, the company will be buying engines that emit less carbon and nitrogen oxides; carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas, and nitrogen oxide is an air pollutant that contributes to smog.
For more information about the SmartWay Transport Partnership, go to