If you can measure it, you can manage it,” is one of the core beliefs at Randall-Reilly Publishing. Knowing where you stand in your industry is crucial to marking your progress, and that’s why the CCJ Top 100 has been a standard in the industry since the late 1960s.
In the past couple of years, we have tweaked the rankings a bit, and now we are pleased to officially unveil the next generation – the CCJ Top 250. For starters, we have expanded the criteria beyond a straight ranking. The CCJ Top 250 takes into account three fundamental measures of a for-hire carrier’s economic scope:
- Revenue – A measure of how much shippers value your service;
- Equipment – An indicator of your capital or operating investment; and
- Driver and owner-operator employment – A gauge as to your worth as a generator of jobs.
We introduced the new methodology last year, and it was well received. The other big change the CCJ Top 250 brings is obvious from the new name. We now are going deeper into the for-hire industry. The largest trucking companies are a breed apart in terms of operations and resources. By extending the ranking to 250, we can highlight some carriers that, while they are large, may not operate all that differently from your company.
Youngstown, Ohio-based Falcon Transport ranks 101 – up from last year’s ranking of 129. Don Constantini, chief executive officer of the truckload carrier, said rankings like this are interesting in the big scheme of things.
“With tens of thousands of trucking companies operating in this country, it’s interesting to see where your company ranks,” Constantini says. Falcon’s jump in rank from last year reflects the robust growth they’ve experienced. “This quarter is even stronger than last year,” he says.
While size of operations can vary widely, the issues facing Falcon Transport are the same issues facing the carriers ranked No.1 and No. 250 – and all others in between. “We have to attract safe, professional drivers and retain the ones we have,” Constantini says. “That means staying on top of compensation and benefit offerings, but also constantly looking at ways to motivate, recognize and cultivate good drivers.” He and all the officers of the company are cooking burgers for their drivers on Trucker Appreciation Day – one of many activities and programs designed to convey a positive working environment. Other issues – such as fluctuating fuel prices and volatile global conditions – are a constant management challenge and ones shared by fleets of all sizes.
How you manage may reflect how you measure your results. Check out the CCJ Top 250 beginning on page 61 and see how you stack up.