Donaldson Co. has launched an online air cleaner selection chart to aid customers in choosing the correct air cleaner for their vehicle. The interactive online tool is designed to consider the vast selection of Donaldson air cleaners and help customers determine the appropriate model for their engine based on specific filtration requirements, such as dust level conditions and air flow patterns.
The four steps of the Donaldson air cleaner selection chart are intended to clarify the specific product needs of customers for all types of applications and environments. The specific dust environment, application type, airflow and size or space requirements of the engine will narrow the range of suitable cleaners; the selection chart responds to this selection criterion and suggests appropriate products for the application.
The chart will display the air cleaner family and offer the option to view the model number and additional product information. The chart also offers individual product photos and airflow diagrams to illustrate the operation of each model. To view the air cleaner selection chart, go to