Innovative Computing launches Scriptor data access, reporting tool

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Innovative Computing Corp. on Monday, Feb. 19, announced its new Scriptor data access and reporting tool, designed to provide Innovative customers easy access to the extensive data stored within Innovative Enterprise Software (IES). This tool will be released in the second quarter of 2007.

“Our goals in creating Scriptor are straightforward and focus on the customers’ needs — ease of use, accessibility and exportability,” says Ernie Betancourt, chief executive officer of Brentwood, Tenn.-based Innovative. “The most important benefit is that it can be used by anyone who has an idea of what information they want and can ‘point & click’ for data retrieval. No knowledge of where the data might reside will be necessary, and users will not require vast report writing skills.”

Planning for Scriptor resulted from increasing industry demand for quality information to be used in data mining and analysis. Through quality data preparation and export offered by Scriptor, customers will gain easy access to critical information such as load, billing and equipment information, the company says. With this detail, carriers should be able to improve efficiency and service through the understanding of key performance indicators measuring equipment productivity and utilization, customer service, revenue analysis and much more.

Early in Scriptor’s design process, Innovative worked with customers to understand their requirements for data analysis. It became clear that the greatest benefit would come from easily accessed and exportable data that customers could share within their companies, Betancourt says. “We chose to make data easily accessible so users could take advantage of the many exceptional tools available today and the inevitable advancements of the future,” he says. “As a result, Innovative customers will benefit quickly from Scriptor’s ability to review and export data from across the wide breadth of the entire IES database.”

With Scriptor, Innovative customers not only will be able to view their IES data on-screen, but also print reports from within the system and use their data through the wide variety of report writers and spreadsheet programs available in today’s market. Customers also will be able to maintain their existing report formats and styles to customize data to their needs with minimal time or effort, the company says.

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Scriptor will be a Convertible User Interface (CUI) based product that will work with Release 8 of IES, as part of Innovative’s standard software. Plans are under way to extend Scriptor to Innovative’s maintenance tool, FleetRx, in the future. For more information, go to