Women In Trucking, a nonprofit organization created to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry and assist in promoting a more female-friendly environment for those already in the industry, announced today, Aug. 30, that in less than six months since its inception, the organization has grown to more than 500 corporate and individual members.
“I believe the strength behind the organization lies in the varied and vast career success of our board of directors,” says Ellen Voie, WIT chairwoman and Schneider National’s manager of recruiting and retention programs. “The women on our board bring a combined total of 265 years of service to the trucking industry, and with that kind of power behind us, we can make some changes.”
WIT was officially founded in March as a means not only to get more women interested in the trucking industry, but also to provide a platform to voice the successes and struggles of those women already in the male-dominated field. Now less than six months later, the organization has 12 board members, 44 corporate members, 16 sponsors, 98 male members, 402 female members and one staff member.
“Although encouraging women to join the industry plays a role in WIT, it’s not our only focus,” Voie says. “We believe that providing a greater understanding of the special challenges that women face on the road, under the hood or behind the desk will only serve to better the industry. Among our many goals, we plan to hold our own convention to honor carriers, truckstops and suppliers who have proven to be female-friendly in their hiring and retention practices.
“It’s not just about voicing an opinion — it’s about understanding an issue, addressing it and hopefully, in the end, remedying it,” Voie says. “With over five hundred men and women already joining us, I think it’s a sign the industry is ready for us.”