U.S. biodiesel provider Renewable Energy Group on Friday, Jan. 25, announced Iowa Renewable Energy has earned BQ-9000 accreditation from the National Biodiesel Board and the National Biodiesel Accreditation Committee.
“BQ-9000 accredited producer certification distinguishes Iowa Renewable Energy as one of the most respected biodiesel production facilities in the nation,” says Mike Bohannan, IRE board of directors chairman. “With this important designation, customers can be confident in knowing that, when they work with IRE, they are working with one of America’s best.”
A member of the REG network, Iowa Renewable Energy is a 30-million-gallon-per-year biodiesel production facility. Renewable Energy Group is responsible for all biodiesel marketed from the Washington, Iowa, facility. IRE also uses REG’s continuous-flow technology, a patented technique designed to ensure the highest-quality biodiesel available in the marketplace.
BQ-9000 is a voluntary quality-assurance program that helps companies improve fuel testing. It is comprehensive, including procedures for fuel handling and management throughout the distribution system, all the way to the customer’s fuel tank. Accreditation demonstrates quality-control processes are in place at the facility that ensure biodiesel produced there will consistently meet the ASTM D6751 specification for biodiesel.
“We are honored to work with IRE, and to celebrate this achievement with their team,” says Nile Ramsbottom, REG president. “Most importantly, we know that BQ-9000 accreditation means consistent, efficient production of large volumes of high-quality fuel to help address the nation’s energy demands.”
Iowa Renewable Energy is the fifth REG network plant to receive BQ-9000 accreditation. REG-owned production in Ralston, Iowa – as well as REG-managed production at SoyMor in Glenville, Minn.; Western Iowa Energy in Wall Lake, Iowa; and Central Iowa Energy in Newton, Iowa – also earned BQ-9000 accreditation.