Mitchell 1 says its service and repair information system once again will play an important role in three upcoming 2008 state technician skills competitions. Representatives from Mitchell 1 will administer the service information skills station – in which each technician must compete – at the Arkansas, Tennessee and South Carolina state competitions.
Mitchell 1 is counted among the original participants when the Technology and Maintenance Council of the American Trucking Associations first organized its National Technician Skills Competition. During the national and state competitions, is used to test a diesel technician’s ability to diagnose and choose the proper corrective action to fix a variety of service-related problems on a broad range of vehicles. Using also tests a technician’s working knowledge of electronic service manuals that rapidly are becoming the preferred format in many maintenance facilities nationwide.
“ gives competition organizers the ability to test a technician’s ability to work on all makes and models, while other repair information systems can limit information to a single brand,” says Dave Costantino, director of product and market development for Poway, Calif.-based Mitchell 1.