Ryder System presented its annual Driver of the Year awards to three professionals who combined have driven more than eight million injury-free miles and have more than 96 years of professional driving experience. One of the Miami-based company’s most prestigious recognition programs, the award honors drivers who have demonstrated exemplary safety performance, customer service and citizenship throughout their careers.
The top awards this year were presented to two drivers employed by Ryder and a driver employed by one of Ryder’s Fleet Management Solutions customers. Each recipient received a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Key West, Fla., a trophy, a specially designed ring and watch, and will be inducted into the Ryder Driver Hall of Fame.
The three drivers, accompanied by family members and business associates, were honored at a recent luncheon banquet held in their honor near Ryder’s headquarters in Miami. Ryder Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Greg Swienton, accompanied by key Ryder executives and the drivers’ local managers, was on hand to congratulate the honorees personally.