Every vehicle sold in the United States is required to have a 17-digit VIN number assigned to it by the manufacturer. Those 17 digits generally are used to identify the vehicle and its parts by the manufacturer or dealer. To that end, Gates touts the simplicity of its VIN Decoder: Enter the 17-digit VIN, and the decoder provides the make, model, year, engine type and all of the parts associated to the vehicle that Gates sells.
According to Gates, the VIN Decoder eliminates hours of searching through catalogs for parts and gives users the needed application information in just moments without having to go back to the dealership to retrieve it. The company says its VIN program is the largest database in the industry and is constantly expanding every day; any VIN that does not show up in the system is sent to the company’s product application department to be researched, and the application then is added to its database.
For more information, go to www.vindecipher.com/gates.