ALK Technologies Inc. announced the second update in as many weeks for its CoPilot Live iPhone GPS navigation app. The company says the update adds new features that further enhance the iPhone navigation experience, including detailed Text to Speech voice directions, free in-app monthly map maintenance downloads and the ability to use the iPhone’s native keyboard throughout the app.
New in the latest update, according to the company:
“This latest update is another step in our quest to provide the best possible iPhone GPS navigation experience at a realistic price,” says Michael Kornhauser, vice president and managing director pf CoPilot Solutions at ALK, based in Princeton, N.J. “We are not done yet. Stand by as we continue to add great new features to CoPilot Live on all supported platforms, thanks to our ongoing development program and fantastic customer feedback.”
The updated CoPilot Live GPS navigation app is available to purchase immediately from the iPhone AppStore; existing customers can download the update for free. For more information about CoPilot Live for iPhone, go to