Evans Cooling now has one-gallon containers for its Heavy Duty Thermal Coolant

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Evans Cooling Systems now has one-gallon containers for its Heavy Duty Thermal Coolant (HDTC). The proprietary waterless HDTC, also available in 5-gallon pails, 55-gallon drums and 275-gallon totes, is designed for vehicles and equipment powered by heavy-duty diesel engines.

Evans Waterless HDTC boils at 375 degrees Fahrenheit, which means the boiling point is 150 degrees warmer than the operating temperature of the engine, which permits engines to operate safely at higher-than-conventional temperatures and enable fuel-saving strategies that include higher-temperature thermostats and reduced fan-on time.

HDTC, a lifetime coolant that never needs replacement, also offers corrosion protection with an environmentally safe formula. For more information, go to www.evanscooling.com.