The Reliance Network, a consortium of regional LTL carriers, on Thursday, May 20, announced it has added two new carriers to its cross-continent coverage. Mountain Valley Express and Peninsula Truck Lines have joined The Reliance Network as providers covering the Western region. The two new carriers replace DATS Trucking, which had previously provided service in that region and no longer will be part of The Reliance Network.
“This transition is a positive move by The Reliance Network as it supports the mission of the alliance to provide the most dependable, reliable service for customers shipping anywhere in North America,” says Geoffrey Muessig, vice president of sales for Reliance Network member Pitt Ohio Express. “Mountain Valley Express and Peninsula Truck Lines are two of the premier LTL carriers serving the Western U.S.”
Made up of regional carriers, The Reliance Network is designed to create a unified cross-continent coalition for all freight services. Instead of managing shipments with multiple carriers to service their regional, national and worldwide shipping needs, shippers can work directly with their local Reliance Network member.
“The Reliance Network recently celebrated two years of joint service, and we continue to see growth and success stories in the areas of service, quality, flexibility, information technology and customer service,” Muessig says. “Over the last year, the network has made many improvements, including improving transit times, updating transit information and improving connectivity between computer networks. And we will only continue to get better. That is our iron-clad commitment to our customers.”