EPA to recognize Kansas county’s emissions-reduction efforts

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks will visit Olathe, Kan., on Wednesday, May 25, to recognize efforts made to reduce diesel emissions in Johnson County. EPA granted $1 million to Johnson County as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to upgrade or replace old diesel vehicles.

Diesel emission reduction programs are designed to purchase cleaner diesel equipment and upgrade diesel vehicle fleets to improve air quality and protect public health. Brooks will recognize the community for its contribution of an additional $1 million matched and leveraged funds to make the diesel emissions reduction project a reality. Johnson County purchased three new low-emissions vehicles and upgraded 100 more diesel vehicles with the project funding.

“The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides environmental and health benefits in addition to an economic stimulus to our nation,” Brooks says. “These diesel emission reductions are a very real and tangible benefit provided by ARRA.”

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