CCJ Fall Symposium speakers talk engaging drivers, upcoming regulations, roadside inspections, industry image and more

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Updated Jun 29, 2017
social-phone-appsLoad One flourishes by keeping drivers engaged with technology

John Elliott, president and CEO of Load One, presented a breakout session at the CCJ Fall Symposium on Nov. 6 about how to use online technologies to boost driver recruiting and retention. Click here to read coverage of Elliot’s address.

IMG_1973ATA Chairman: β€˜We can all be ambassadors for trucking’

During his one-year term as the ATA chairman, Duane Long said he will focus on ways to improve the image of the trucking to attract more drivers, technicians and executives to the industry and to help advance ATA’s safety agenda in Washington, D.C. Click here to read coverage of Long’s address.

inspectionCompany culture the key to minimizing roadside inspections, says Keppler

While many fleets look at the roadside inspections as an unwanted hassle, CVSA head Stephen Keppler defends their use, noting that roadsides work to ensure consistent compliance with both state and federal regulations. He also told attendees a fleet’s safety record has a lot to do with its attitude and culture. Click here to read coverage of Keppler’s address.