TransComply started the Uniform Food Safety Transportation Protocol (UFSTP) to help simplify the new FDA requirements for motor carriers hauling food for fleets of all sizes. Participation in the UFSTP is not required by law, but TransComply says shippers, brokers and others can confirm on TransComply’s database if a fleet is compliant with the new regulations.
As of March 20, the organization says more than 200 carriers have applied for participation in the UFSTP before the April 6 deadline. To be confirmed for the protocol, a carrier must meet the following criteria:
•Execute the UFSTP agreement, which commits the fleet to compliance in equipment management and temperature control, following shipper specifications, training and record keeping
•Provide evidence of at least $750,000 in liability insurance and at least $100,000 in cargo insurance, as well as making TransComply a certificate holder
•Maintaining active FMCSA authority
Carriers with less than $27.5 million in annual revenue have an extra year to comply with the new law, but TransComply says it’s beneficial for these smaller fleets to get on board early to continue hauling food.
“Small carriers are beginning to realize that even if they don’t have to comply with a federal regulation, they still must show they comply with the rule’s requirements if they want to haul for some major shippers and brokers of perishable food,” says Avery Vise, president of TransComply. “The UFSTP lets compliant carriers of all sizes declare their use of best practices and remain competitive for spot-market loads of regulated freight.”
FDA’s key requirements for carriers include: (1) That carriers and drivers ensure their refrigerated trailers are pre-cooled prior to loading food, (2) carriers/drivers provide upon request by shippers and receivers proof they’ve maintained the appropriate temperature for the food they’re hauling and (3) carriers develop and implement procedures that specify their practices for cleaning, sanitizing and inspecting their equipment.