ProPickup Tech Tip
Quick Carpet For Storage Compartments
Most of the service bodies, tool boxes, and other varieties of cargo management systems for pickups come with painted or powder-coated metal shelves.
They look good when new, all bright and shiny white. But in actual use they allows tools, supplies and cargo to slide around on the slick metal.
If you like to take a little better care of whatever tools, gear, and cargo you carry around in the compartments, an inexpensive and easy-to-do upgrade is to carpet the surfaces as needed.
That’s what we did in the cargo compartments of the A.R.E. ToolMaster bed cap on ProPickup’s Surveyor 1 sweepstake’s Ram 2500.

We called A.R.E. and ordered enough of their bed cap liner carpet to cover both the white storage compartment’s exterior walls that faced the bed and the bottom and backs of the shelves.
Then we picked up three cans of spray-on contact adhesive from the crafts section at WalMart.
Our total investment was less than $50.
Two hours later we’d made the storage compartments more functional and a whole lot richer looking than they were in stock form. — Bruce W. Smith