An ill-timed propane propane shortage has brought some relief from hours of service regulations for propane haulers.
Monday, in response to the extreme arctic cold weather conditions causing shortages and interruptions in the availability and/or delivery of propane and other home heating fuels throughout the Midwestern Region, Darin G. Jones, Field Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, declare an emergency.
The emergency exemption covers Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin and provides for the regulatory relief for commercial motor vehicles operations while providing direct assistance supporting the delivery of propane and home heating fuels into the affected areas.
See the declaration here.
More than 14 million families across the U.S. use propane to fuel their furnaces, according to the Propane Education & Research Council.
The exemption took effect Jan. 19 and lasts through Feb. 11.