Navman expands fleet management system for construction industry

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Navman Wireless Business Solutions, a global provider of vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions, recently announced the expansion of its fleet management offerings. The product line additions provide the construction industry with new technology to help increase ROI by decreasing asset maintenance and fuel costs.

Based on Navman’s Wireless Fleet Manager — designed to allow fleet managers to map vehicle and driver locations, analyze activities (e.g. stops, mileage and idleness), define territories and communicate directly with operators — the new Navman offerings incorporate features designed specifically for monitoring construction site assets such as front loaders, bulldozers, backhoes and bobcats, to name a few. Navman says the new industry-tailored solution is scalable and economical, and provides the tools to increase operational efficiency by monitoring previously unattainable asset data.

Navman’s asset management solution combines onboard global positioning system (GPS)/cellular technology and OnlineAVL, a Windows-based interface designed to provide construction site managers with the asset position and activity details needed to effectively manage a work force. Once outfitted with Navman’s tracking Qube, assets automatically transmit valuable data, including ignition status, engine diagnostics and vehicle activity to the site manager. A new Navman motion sensor is designed to deliver precise reporting of actual equipment use that accurately reflects asset maintenance requirements and details a clear picture of necessary vs. unnecessary fuel use. An optional Pelican case, designed to house the Qube, also is available to protect the device from the elements and other potential work site hazards.

For added security and piece of mind, the Qube and OnlineAVL provide real-time remote vehicle location queries, and allow each asset to be individually configured for unauthorized movement alerts, according to Navman; if assets are stolen from a work site, the solution immediately notifies key personnel and allows for immediate recovery of equipment.

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“Our extensive research and hands-on testing with construction industry customers who have deployed our solution indicates that there is up to a 30 percent difference between site equipment ‘on’ and ‘in use’ hours,” says Renaat Ver Eecke, general manager of Lake Forest, Ill.-based Navman. “Using our new motion sensor and our solution’s monitoring capabilities, customers will recognize a significant decrease in maintenance and fuel-related operating expenses. Cutting even one maintenance cycle from each asset considerably increases uptime and greatly affects the bottom line.”

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