Averitt expands In Cleveland, shortens transit times to South

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Averitt Express recently expanded its presence in Cleveland, opening a new facility there and announcing it has shaved a day off transit times from Cleveland to key destinations in the South. Averitt officials say the move is part of a strategic effort to provide customers with the best possible transit times between key U.S. metropolitan areas and the South.

“Cleveland is an important market for many of our customers, so this expansion is critical to our long-term goal of providing our customers with the fastest service at the most competitive price,” says Phil Pierce, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Cookeville, Tenn.-based Averitt.

Averitt now is offering next-day service from Cleveland to Louisville, Ky., Memphis, Tenn., and Nashville, Tenn.; and second-day service to Dallas, Atlanta, Charlotte, N.C., and Orlando, Fla. Averitt, which has been providing transportation service in Cleveland for 11 years, says the new service center has added 10 dedicated doors to its operations.