ProMiles Software Development Corp. announced Monday, June 4, that shippers now have the ability to order specialized oversize/overweight permits online through an automated Oversize / Overweight Permit System developed and maintained by ProMiles. The permits cover travel between Gateway International Bridge or the Veterans International Bridge at Los Tomates and the Port of Brownsville, Texas.
About 50,000 permits are issued annually, and ProMiles says it has automated the entire process. The Internet-based Oversize / Overweight permitting system is designed to allow carriers to order and print permits from anywhere, including from within Mexico. The system also allows for real-time permit authentication at the ports of entry and by law enforcement officers at roadside, according to ProMiles.
The Port of Brownsville permitting program is administered through a contract with the Texas Department of Transportation. Raul Vela, TxDOT transportation investigator, says that the new permitting system “converted a manual paper process to a seamless automated system for motor carriers, the Port of Brownsville, scale operators, law enforcement and TxDOT, with full tracking and audit capabilities.”