Luber-finer — an Albion, Ill.-based division of Champion Laboratories and a manufacturer of heavy-duty filtration products for the transportation, off-road/mining, marine, agriculture and automotive light truck industry — has introduced its Luber-finder eCatalog for all Luber-finer-branded automotive and light-, medium- and heavy-duty truck filters.
All of the information in the eCatalog is contained on a CD that can be loaded onto any PC running Windows 2000, as well as all newer operational systems. It has been designed to equip current and prospective customers with the tools needed to make their jobs easier and more productive through the use of faster and more efficient filter look-up, application specification and cross-reference capabilities.
Users of the eCatalog will be notified in the future of Web-based updates that will come in the form of automatic downloads. Each quarter, those that have uploaded the Luber-finder eCatalog will get a pop-up that alerts them to new updates via the Web, eliminating the need to send out more CDs to load and reload the program.
For more information, go to