Truck-Lite adds to LED offerings

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Truck-Lite has expanded the Signal-Stat line of LED products for the third time since the company introduced it in 2004. The line now has more than 40 high-diode-count lamps. The Signal-Stat line by Truck-Lite is engineered with globally produced components and put through intense testing and quality control to meet Truck-Lite standards, according to the company.

“We are very pleased with the strong interest our Signal-Stat LED products have generated,” says Bob Ives, vice president of marketing for Falconer, N.Y.-based Truck-Lite. “We look forward to continued interest as the product applications continue to expand.”

The company says the new lamps include 2 1/2-inch round LED clearance markers with reflex lens; triangular LED bus lamps; 4-inch round and 6-inch oval LED stop, turn, and tail lamps with clear lens; and colored diodes popular with show truckers. All of the new lamps carry an extended two-year limited warranty.

“Providing an economical LED lamp that meets or exceeds heavy-duty standards is critical in today’s market,” says Brad VanRiper, senior vice president and chief technology officer.

The Signal-Stat LED lamps, geared to owner-operators and small fleets, feature popular high-count diode patterns, the company says; they retrofit easily using standard plug connections that make the lamps compatible with virtually all existing trailers.

Truck-Lite says all Signal-Stat LEDs:

  • Exceed legal requirements;
  • Have an extensive pattern of multiple diodes;
  • Carry a two-year limited warranty;
  • Use standard mounting holes and accessories;
  • Retrofit easily using standard plug connections;
  • Resist shock and vibration;
  • Have all electronics sealed in epoxy to resist corrosion and moisture; and
  • Draw less current, allowing more power for other vehicle requirements and extending alternator life.
  • For more information, go to