GeoLogic, McLeod complete integration of Auto Alerts-Arrival & Departure

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GeoLogic Solutions, a provider of multimode communication and tracking systems for the trucking industry, announced today, Oct. 3, the completion of an interface between its Auto Alerts-Arrival & Departure and McLeod Software’s LoadMaster enterprise management software. Auto Alerts-Arrival & Departure is a member of the Auto Alert suite of geofencing functions found in GeoLogic’s MobileMax fleet management system and is powered by GeoLogic’s patented Proximity Alert geofencing technology.

“The integration of the Auto Alert Suite with LoadMaster means our customer will have increased visibility into vehicle locations and more accurate and timely dispatch updates without the need for human intervention,” says John Lewis, president and chief executive officer of Herndon, Va.-based GeoLogic Solutions. “We are truly embracing the meaning of machine-to-machine technology with this new integration with McLeod. By taking the information a customer has already loaded into their McLeod enterprise system and automatically pulling that information over to the Auto Alerts product, we are saving our customers a great deal of time and energy that can be used in other areas of their business.”

Without requiring driver input, Auto Alerts-Arrival & Departure automatically updates dispatchers when a vehicle arrives or leaves a geofenced area, GeoLogic says; the system can generate automated arrival and departure alerts based on location-specific (geocode) settings. To improve driver detention time management, an additional capability is a configurable interval that generates messages notifying the dispatcher how long a driver is at a location, according to the company.

Using information supplied by Auto Alerts via the MobileMax in-cab unit, the LoadMaster interface also enables automated arrival date/time updates, according to GeoLogic. For departure alerts, the system can update stop records automatically using latitude/longitude coordinates or driver-generated messages, the company says; in addition, the Auto Alerts interface allows LoadMaster users to update geocode settings in location records based on tractor positions. The system also notifies dispatchers when a stop on a route does not have geocode values and generates a form to request arrival and departure messages from drivers for that particular stop, GeoLogic says.