Chambers Transportation connects to customers via Descartes’ GLN

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Descartes Systems Group — a global on-demand software-as-a-service (SaaS) logistics solutions provider — announced that Chambers Transportation Services Inc. has selected the Descartes Global Logistics Network (GLN) to manage its day-to-day load tendering and related status reporting for loads it moves for one of its largest customers.

One of the services the Descartes GLN provides is an e-mail-based solution that enables transportation providers and manufacturers without electronic data interchange (EDI), or similar technology infrastructure, to easily exchange messages. GLN enables transportation providers to reliably connect with their trading partners, Descartes says.

“As a regional/long-haul truckload carrier, our required reporting about the status of the loads we were moving was often done manually,” says Ryan Chambers, president of Charlotte, N.C.-based Chambers Transportation Services. “We needed an electronic solution for managing shipments that was easy to deploy. With the Descartes GLN, we have a cost-effective and efficient way to electronically process load tenders and related status data to not only meet this specific customer’s requirements, but also to alleviate many of the manual processes associated with receiving and responding to messages.”

Descartes says it enables Chambers Transportation to transfer the entire load reporting process off of the dispatcher’s desk and onto desktop computers. Chambers Transportation dispatchers now can use their e-mail applications to view the tendered loads, accept or reject them, and then provide the 10 status updates that this specific customer requires on each load. Invoices also can be sent via e-mail once the load is complete.

“Companies like Chambers can now bypass expensive investments in EDI and communications infrastructure and still comply with their customer’s requirements by simply deploying the Descartes GLN,” says Eric Bossdorf, vice president of GLN for Descartes.