EBE Technologies completes Pro-Tread interface

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EBE Technologies, a provider of business process management solutions for the transportation industry, announced the completion of its interface to Instructional Technologies’ (ITI) computer based training solutions- Pro-Tread and Pro-Tread in-Cab.

Through this interface, EBE’s Ships driver management software automatically schedules training for new hires and at risk drivers, tracks, and provides real-time visibility to status of completion. Driver records are electronically updated with no manual intervention.

The integration is done through Pro-Tread’s Web services. Pro-Tread training details are obtained by posting a specifically formatted URL to the web containing the customer’s ID, username/password, and a date. The data returned contains the driver name and ID, lesson name and ID, start date and completion status for the date specified. The information is then stored in the Ships database. From there, the data can be used with any Ships application. The Web request to record all the data for a given day can be scheduled as often as the carrier chooses.

Additionally, EBE’s Web-based driver portal links to Pro-Tread’s website allowing drivers to directly access their required training modules. Because all activities are time and date stamped through Ships workflow process manager, driver and safety managers will have instant visibility to exactly when drivers logged on to the site.

Integrating Pro-Tread into Ships driver performance management application allows carriers to set pre-defined rules dictating that training modules are completed based on specific driver behavior, the company says. These triggers may come from data through the driver’s mobile communication device- such as too many hard braking incidents or low MPG within a certain time period. Ships workflow triggers a notification to the driver, either through a mobile comm message or an item pending notice in the driver’s portal, to complete a training module by a certain date. The driver and/or safety manager is also notified of this activity.

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Automatic alerts are sent if compliance is not met within the defined timeframe. When Ships receives data from Pro-Tread that the module has been completed, the driver files are updated, the workflow queues are cleared and the driver remains in active status. All manual tracking and updating of training status is eliminated, the company says.