The Heavy Duty Representatives Association has elected three industry veterans to serve on its 2010 board of directors. The new directors are:
• Lawrence Rosenthal of Rosenthal Fleet Parts Sales Inc., a veteran HDRA member who will serve as the group’s president. He has represented a cross section of heavy-duty manufacturers, from Fortune 500 to family-owned businesses. Rosenthal is a member of Society of Automotive Engineers, has received numerous sales awards and has participated in a number of manufacturer liaison advisory councils;
• Walt Sirman of T&S Sales & Marketing Co. Inc. of Mustang, Okla., who was elected HDRA’s vice president and has more than 30 years of industry experience; and
• John Stojak of Sherman-Pearson Co. of Cleveland, who was elected HDRA’s secretary. Stojak has 35 years of industry experience and joined Sherman-Pearson in 1981. He has been a member of HDRA since 1992 and is a past president of the organization.