As part of its effort to contest the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Dec. 23 proposal to change the hours-of-service requirements for commercial truck drivers, the American Trucking Associations is seeking help from truckstops for its grassroots campaign aimed at helping thousands of truck drivers voice their objections to the HOS changes.
ATA is asking truckstops to make information packets available to drivers at their locations that includes a letter truck drivers can sign and fax to FMCSA protesting the changes to federal driver work and rest rules. Drivers must submit comments to FMCSA by Feb. 28.
ATA has said adoption of the proposed rule will reduce the trucking industry’s productivity and jeopardizes safety advances made in recent years. The National Private Truck Council at an industry luncheon hosted this week by ATA that the proposed rule could translate into a 5 percent to 7 percent cut in driver pay and a 15 percent decline in fleet productivity.
FMCSA’s recent proposal to change driver work and rest rules for commercial truck drivers stands to reduce the maximum daily driving time by one hour to 10 hours per shift; reduce the maximum daily working time window by one additional hour to 13 hours by requiring drivers to take a 30-minute break every seven hours; and extend the 34-hour restart period, which allows drivers to “reset” their weekly clock for on and off-duty hours, to include two overnight six-hour rest periods between midnight and 6 a.m. and limit the restart to once every seven calendar days.
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