Colson Caster provides more online product info

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Colson Caster, a manufacturer of standard and custom application caster and wheel products, has updated its Website to help its customers visualize the solution to their caster and wheel product needs. The company’s new Web links contain photographs and specs detailing Colson’s brakes and swivel locks with more product details.

“Before we added the product photos, the customer could not be sure that the brake or swivel lock was appropriate for their application and environment,” says Don Laux, president and general manager. “They asked for the visual representation and the added data to help with their selection, and we were happy to oblige.”

Before the images were added with the new Web pages, there were only written descriptions on the pages regarding the brakes and swivel locks available for each caster type. Customers now are able to visit the site and view the complete wheel, fork and swivel lock or brake design.

In addition to photos of the caster brake or swivel lock models, data is also available on swivel radius for each. Individual kit part numbers also are listed on the new site for selecting components for field installation on casters already in service. The Web-based product information can be accessed directly via with a click to query either swivel locks or brakes.

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