Xata Turnpike integrated with Airclic products

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Updated Oct 28, 2011

Airclic announced that Xata Turnpike, a compliance device for electronic driver logs, will now be available as an integrated feature in its Food Perform and Order Perform mobile supply chain products for the foodservice and retail industries, respectively.

Xata Turnpike and Airclic Perform is a SaaS-product that provides real-time tracking, proof of delivery and fleet management in one application.

Integrated via a single sign-on on any mobile device, the software automatically navigates between Perform and Xata Turnpike based on driver activity. Xata Turnpike provides fleet managers and drivers with the data required to meet established and emerging electronic onboard recorder (EOBR) regulations.

The integration of Xata Turnpike specifically allows users to view driver logs, track individual vehicles, view DOT vehicle inspection reporting (DVIR), and receive engine diagnostics and telematics.

“Incorporating Xata Turnpike with our Perform products allows us to offer our retail and foodservice customers the leading products in both proof of delivery and fleet management in a single pre-integrated solution,” said Mike Lee, CEO of Airclic.

“Xata Turnpike and Airclic Perform is an extremely cost-effective solution that puts smart trucking technology within every driver’s reach,” said Xata’s Christian Schenk, vice president, product marketing.

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