Illinois-based Truck Centers Inc., a family-owned network of seven Freightliner and Western Star dealerships throughout Illinois and Missouri, recently launched the second consecutive year of its holiday promotion by posting more than 90 transportation-related prizes with a “Twelve Days of Christmas” themed sweepstakes. Customers can register at any of the seven TCI locations through Dec. 8. Daily drawings for various prize packs will be held between Dec. 12 and Dec. 23 leading up to the grand prize giveaway.
Prizes include items such as hats, tool sets, winter truck packs, rugged floormats, Rand McNally GPS units, TCI Truck Bucks gift certificates and regular season tickets to see the World Series champion St. Louis Cardinals. A grand prize pack is valued at $900 and includes a 19-inch flat screen TV and DVD player, TCI Truck Bucks for an oil change service, power converter unit, premium bag and several prizes from the previous daily drawings.
“Last year’s TCI ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ had a remarkable response with our customers, so we wanted to continue the tradition with more incentives for the trucking professionals that often spend their holiday season on the roads,” says Katie Hopkins, Truck Centers’ executive vice president. “This small promotion will hopefully share a little holiday cheer with our customers and acknowledge the difficult jobs that they do.”