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Costs are too high

“Do the stats really support the need for all of this testing that, in the end, will be forced upon the trucking companies to absorb the costs incurred? Let’s not forget most of these companies, especially small and medium-size carriers, are coming off some very tough economic years. … I believe there are safety issues that can be worked out, such as proper training of new drivers and stricter regulations on trucking schools and their training criteria. But in the end, expensive sleep apnea tests are not at the top of my list. I’m all for safety and make my living that way, but let’s focus on safety and not expensive over-the-top regulations.”

-Gary Miles



Not enough healthy options

“The fast-food industry has taken over the restaurant industry in truckstops. We all know that fast food is not near as healthy as being able to eat off a menu or buffet. Due to the HOS, we do not have time now to sit and enjoy a leisurely meal – time is money. We have been forced to eat this fast-food swill because so many other places say NO TRUCKS. We are literally captives at the hand of fast-food enterprises in far too many truckstops.”




“FMCSA committee eyes sleep apnea regulation”


Regulate the docs

“I believe that sleep apnea is the least of our worries. Until FMCSA regulates the doctors that are allowed to give DOT physicals, nothing will be safe. …If the driver gets a bad report, he/she can just keep going to different doctors until they get a favorable report. FMCSA should regulate who can give physicals and make them report on who they treat for a medical card before they concentrate on sleep apnea.”

-Ken Schrag



A matter of discrimination

“Just because you are a big person, doctors automatically think that you have high blood pressure, diabetes, and now sleep apnea. What are companies going to do – discriminate against big people and not even give them a chance at employment because they will have to acquire the added expense of a sleep apnea test? Next, it will be no health insurance for you because of your size. When will it end?” -J. Moore




App reviews

Partner Insights
Information to advance your business from industry suppliers



Trucksmart Untitled 1What it does: Multifunction app from TA/Petro provides interactive maps displaying nearby locations, fuel prices, available showers and available parking estimates by location, updated site weather, turn-by-turn directions and more.

What they say: Users receive special offers for each of TA/Petro’s brands. A one-touch call to the RoadSquad national call center captures the user’s coordinates for mobile assistance. The app also integrates the UltraOne reward program to access credits and review transactions.

Access: iPhone, Android.



HazRef 2008

Hazmat Untitled 1What it does: This app allows users to browse a reference guide to more than 3,000 hazardous materials as identified by the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.

What they say: The app also provides easy access to all 61 emergency response guides found in the “Emergency Response Guide 2008” manual, as well as a visual database of common DOT placards organized by hazard class.

Access: iPhone. Search “hazref” in iTunes App Store.





Hours-of-service: A game changer?

Thursday, March 29, 3-4 pm ET

Register now at

Dave Osiecki, ATA senior vice president for policy and regulatory affairs, will discuss FMCSA’s hours-of-service final rule and its potential impact on fleet productivity and safety.




Percent of respondents who say FMCSA’s Compliance Safety Accountability program has improved their fleet’s safety performance.

Based on 176 respondents’ answers to an online survey.



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