Arsenault Associates adds FinanceLink to Dossier

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Updated Jun 15, 2012

Arsenault Associates announced the release of FinanceLink, designed to allow users to export parts purchasing data to business systems for payment and reconciliation. FinanceLink is part of Dossier version 6.2, the latest edition of Arsenault’s fleet asset maintenance management software.

“Every release of Dossier brings many improvements in maintenance management based on our users’ feedback and industry trends,” says Bob Hausler, vice president of marketing and technology at Arsenault. “Sometimes we improve Dossier by delivering functionality that helps those outside of maintenance. FinanceLink is such a feature. It’s an option that makes it very quick and easy to send data to virtually any financial application.”

Maintenance departments constantly buy and receive parts, and it can be difficult for accounting departments to know that the parts have been received, that they are the right parts, and that it’s OK to pay the vendor’s invoice. “Lots of software can export a report of purchases,” says Hausler. “FinanceLink does two things that make it different. Both are focused on ease of use.”

The first is the setup of the data export. With FinanceLink, creating the export is done by choosing the data desired from a drop-down menu. The export can include up to 15 key pieces of data such as dates, vendor, purchase order number, general ledger code, etc. The data fields can be ordered for input to a business system or for an account’s review as an excel sheet.

The second is ease of operation. With FinanceLink, Dossier has an “OK to Pay” checkbox on the parts receipt. Once OK’ed, Dossier will include that transaction on the FinanceLink export and then flag it so it won’t re-export and cause a duplicate payment, helping both maintenance and accounting.

Once defined, the exports can run automatically or manually. FinanceLink exports can specify a date range, check all transactions or run as of the prior day, prior Sunday or last day of the prior month.