C.J. Driscoll & Associates, a supplier of market research and consulting services for the telematics industry, released the 2013 Fleet Operator’s Guide to GPS Fleet Management Systems. The report is designed to assist fleet operators in identifying GPS fleet management solution providers that are best suited to meet their requirements.
The 241-page report profiles over 120 Mobile Resource Management (MRM) solution providers, including suppliers of vehicle-installed GPS fleet management systems, handset or tablet-based systems, and systems for monitoring assets, such as trailers and containers.
Profiled companies include suppliers targeting local service and delivery fleets, private and common carrier trucking fleets, and vertical markets such as school bus, taxi, public transit and paratransit, waste disposal, oil & gas, government, and public safety. The profiles cover company background, key contacts, target markets, core features, distribution, installed base, key customers, and available hardware and service pricing information.
The study was directed by Clement J. Driscoll, founder and president of C.J. Driscoll & Associates, who has over 20 years of experience in marketing, research and consulting in GPS, telematics, and location-based services. The research is based on both primary and secondary methodologies, including over 100 interviews of executives of leading MRM solution providers and other companies servicing the MRM industry.
The 2013 Fleet Operator’s Guide to GPS Fleet Management Systems draws heavily on C.J. Driscoll & Associates’ flagship 2012-13 Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study. The 337-page flagship report, released in August 2012, analyzes the status and growth of the GPS fleet and asset management market and projects market growth through 2015. It also includes extensive data on fleet market size and MRM penetration, along with in-depth profiles of leading MRM suppliers.
Detailed information regarding the 2013 Fleet Operator’s Guide to GPS Fleet Management Systems and the 2012-13 Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study is available at www.cjdriscoll.com.