EBE announced today it has created a new fast track Configuration Wizard that shortens the implementation cycle for its complete suite of Driver Lifecycle Solutions. EBE says this wizard, combined with EBE’s Implementation Methodology will streamline, simplify and shorten the configuration and deployment time, enhancing the user experience. The tools have been created to support all of Ships client/server and new Web-based Recruiting, Safety and Driver Performance software.
The Configuration Wizard is a toolset within the implementation cycle that fast tracks the configuration of EBE software to align with carriers’ specific business processes and integration requirements. The use of this tool shortens the project lifecycle from kick-off to go-live.
Carriers will be guided through a collaborative process of completing discovery questionnaires that are used as the foundation to create the requirements definition. The Configuration Wizard uses this blueprint to build the conference room pilot at a much more rapid pace. Client acceptance testing and training are then the final steps prior go-live.
Depending on the size of the carrier and the specific requirements defined, the Configuration Wizard is expected to reduce the project lifecycle from 20-40 percent. “With the driver shortage impacting carriers’ ability to recruit and retain drivers, it is more imperative than ever that our clients are able to implement solutions as quickly as possible to help identify, process, on-board and retain drivers. We are confident this approach will allow the carriers to implement an integrated and strategic solution in a timely manner”, states Linda Keag, EBE’s Director of Professional Services.
The fast track Configuration Wizard and implementation methodology was inspired by the launch of EBE’s newest additions to its suite of Driver Services applications. Ships Driver Recruiting and Driver Management systems are now being offered as web-based software. They may be implemented as either cloud-based, hosted by EBE, or within a carriers own network behind its firewall.
Carriers that prefer a web user interface experience, but also have a desire for the solutions to reside within its infrastructure, may install the software locally. Both options offer virtually all of the integration, data and document ownership rights available through EBE’s client/server offerings.
“The maturity of Web applications over the last several years has grown exponentially. We are excited to be able to offer new platforms, expand our reach in the market and provide the ability to help a broader range of carriers,” stated Cindy Nelson, vice president, marketing and business development.