Bestpass, Inc., providers of bulk purchasing and streamlined toll management services to commercial fleets, announced the ongoing expansion of its partnerships with state highway authorities. The most recent addition is the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and their Good to Go! electronic tolling system, which is used at all of Washington State’s toll facilities (SR 520 Bridge, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, and the SR 167 HOT lanes).
“The expansion we’ve been experiencing at Bestpass in partnerships with state highway authorities throughout the United States is a reflection of the rising number of trucking operations that are using our toll management and discount services,” said John Andrews, president and CEO. “Our expertise monitoring the changing landscape in toll roads in order to maximize discounts addresses a high cost and time consuming management challenge for trucking operations, from owner-operators to some of the country’s largest fleets.”
With its latest addition, the Bestpass toll network now encompasses Washington State Good to Go! facilities, the California Bay Area Tolling Authority bridges, the Colorado ExpressToll roads, and all E-ZPass toll facilities including the New York State Thruway, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the New Jersey Turnpike, and Illinois I-Pass roads, among many others. The Bestpass service is also compatible with PrePass, Norpass, NCPass, and NJPass weigh station bypass service providers.
Bestpass uses its bulk purchasing power to provide commercial motor carriers with savings beyond standard toll charge discounts. Savings are also derived through its toll management products, including account management tools and consolidated billing, and by providing a single transponder for both toll and weigh station bypass. To date, Bestpass says it has provided customers with $30 million in toll cost savings.