With forward facing dash- and mirror-mounted videos growing in use and acceptance by both fleets and drivers themselves, clips from such cameras are often showing compelling on-highway moments. And as an encouragement for those in trucking to share those moments, CCJ sister site Overdrive launched last month a new “Dashcam Central” section on its website.
The publication hopes it will grow into a repository of reader-submitted rolling-video work (such as with a mounted GoPro camera) and dashcam clips that show compelling events, whether another reckless motorist, documentation of a fellow driver’s save up ahead or other incident.
Do you or one of your drivers have a good video with a story behind it? Jump over to Dashcam Central and kick the tires a bit.
The submission form offers users another way to share information with an audience of trucking peers, one that could become another piece in the needed reinforcement in the public imagination of the serious implications so many motorists’ unsafe on-highway actions have for the pilots of big trucks.
When readers complete the form and click submit, a story is created and listed on this linked page showing the embedded video, followed by the description you input.
Keep in mind this crucial piece of the process: It’s difficult to accept such large files as videos for any website, particularly when they’re more than just a dashcam clip, via the forms that can built. That’s why you’ll need to first upload your video to YouTube in order create your story in Dashcam Central. After the upload, grab the share link to the YouTube video and drop it in that field on the form.