The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has granted an exemption to allow motor carriers to use rechargeable wireless temporary stop, turn and tail lights during towing situations.
The exemption was requested in August by TowMate, a company that manufactures and sells wireless tow lights. Under current regulations, all required lamps, with the exception of battery-powered lamps used on projecting loads, have to be powered by the electrical system of the truck.
FMCSA said using these wireless systems during towing “will reduce time tow operators spend at the side of the road connecting wired lighting systems between vehicles, thereby reducing their risk of injury and increasing safety.”
In its exemption request, TowMate said that with the improvements in LED technology, coupled with advancements in battery technologies, rechargeable wireless tow lighting systems will meet or exceed the current level of safety achieved without the exemption.
The exemption is good for two years from the date of its publication in the Federal Register, which is scheduled to be Tuesday, Feb. 9.