Fleets and other industry stakeholders have two weeks left to offer formal comments on the Department of Transportation’s proposal to govern truck speeds.
Comments can be made here through the end of the day Wednesday, Dec. 7. The comment period was extended by 30 days earlier this month after theAmerican Trucking Associations and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association both petitioned the DOT for an extension.
The proposed rule was published Sept. 7 in the Federal Register. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and its sister agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, did not propose a specific speed in the proposal and instead seek feedback from the industry on three potential speeds: 60 mph, 65 mph and 68 mph.
If the rule were to be made final, all new trucks would be required to use electronic speed governors. There is also a possibility it will require all trucks with factory-equipped speed limiters to be governed as well.