Visitors to Mack’s dedicated website can sign up to receive notifications as new content is posted, as well as claim an invitation to watch the launch of the new product via a live video stream on Sept. 13.
Even though Mack has only just started to flow information about the truck into the market, John Walsh, Mack Trucks vice president of global brand management and marketing, says the response has already been tremendous.
In addition to the new highway model, an all-new interior will be coming to Mack’s construction-focused Granite models.
Two hashtags have been set to capture reactions from fans and customers. Social media posts with the hashtags #NewMack and #MackComfort will be collected and displayed on each landing page to highlight reactions to the new truck and new Granite interior.
“We encourage folks not only to sign up for a sneak peek, but also to share their thoughts about what they’re seeing,” Walsh said. “We want to hear how people react to our new products as we move toward an historic day for Mack and our customers.”
Additional videos and other content will be posted weekly from now until the launch event.