Sessions on ELDs, truck parking, more set for GATS

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A demonstration of Perceptive Automata’s artificial intelligence tracking and signaling in real-time the likely intention to cross and awareness of two pedestrians near a Volvo VNR 300 heavy-duty truck model. The AI is able to track, in parallel and with a 360-degree field of view, a practically unlimited number of pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles to enhance professional drivers’ situational awareness in road environments.

Those attending the Great American Trucking Show later this summer in Dallas will have the opportunity to sit in on presentations on topics ranging from the transition from automatic onboard recording devices to electronic logging devices, truck parking problems and more.

GATS will be held Aug. 22-24 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas.

There will be a panel discussion dealing with the industry’s widespread truck parking problem. The discussion will include the results of a driver survey that highlights the states with the biggest parking, along with possible solutions.

Additionally, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will host two one-hour stage sessions during GATS. One will be held Thursday, Aug. 22, from 3-4 p.m., and Saturday, Aug. 24, from 1-2 p.m. FMCSA will also hold a two-hour listening session with an update from Administrator Ray Martinez from 10 a.m. to noon on Friday, Aug. 23.

The Thursday and Saturday sessions are billed as “FMCSA Hot Topics:  ELD implementation and Transition, The Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse and more.” Since the deadline for AOBRD users to switch to ELDs is Dec. 17, the topic will be part of the agency’s presentations.

Those interested in attending the 2019 Great American Trucking Show can register for free online here.

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