Renewable Energy Group announced the launch of REG Ultra Clean Diesel, a combination of renewable and biodiesel fuels.
REG Ultra Clean Diesel, among the lowest emission diesel fuels on the market today, is California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved for year-round use throughout California under the Alternative Diesel Fuel Regulation. Versus CARB diesel, REG reports that Ultra Clean Diesel reduces total hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide emissions by 15 percent, particulate matter emissions by 40 percent and emits less nitrogen oxides (NOx).
“REG Ultra Clean Diesel significantly reduces emissions, blends easily with petroleum diesel and is one of the lowest carbon intensity fuels of any kind on the market today,” said REG’s Gary Haer, Vice President, Sales & Marketing. “REG is uniquely positioned to offer this biodiesel and renewable diesel blended product. We are committed to delivering low-carbon solutions and meeting our customers’ demand for cleaner products.”
REG Ultra Clean Diesel was unveiled recently at ACT Expo in Long Beach, Calif. To learn more about the fuel contact REG at 515-239-8104 or visit regi.com/ultracleandiesel.